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From the Desk of the CEO






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From the Desk of the CEO

Dwayne Fosseen, CEO

February 20, 2009

It may be a perfect time to refresh our Mirenco readers on what Mirenco technology represents and who we are selling our products and service to. In 2009, we will be expanding Mirenco products and services through the United States and Canada; mainly selling to off-road heavy industrial equipment through our exclusive distributor, Whayne Supply. Mirenco will also begin selling product and services, during 2009, for city bus emission reductions in China and India. We believe the third and fourth quarters of 2009 will reflect that Mirenco has established the world standard diesel combustion evaluation procedure, MDEP. MDEP will be used by diesel vehicle service centers around the world in the same manner of responsibility as an aircraft mechanic would sign off an aircraft regarding air-worthiness. MDEP service providers will sign off on engine combustion responsibility regarding fuel efficiency and the engine air quality factor.    

Mirenco markets patented technology that offers new and better tools for cleaning up and maintaining diesel engine combustion over an engine life. The world has over one billion vehicles burning fuel each day and that is our market for Mirenco products and services. Mirenco technology represents a complex system that will maintain emissions and fuel efficiency, thereby leading to improved air quality.

We have explored several markets for Mirenco products and services including city buses, school buses and trucking fleets, and have found that these markets replaced vehicles with new vehicles in order to avoid service and repair cost. This plan of replacing vehicles before the factory warranty expires may not be as easy with the economy we have today. The heavy duty off-road industrial engines and vehicles offer Mirenco the perfect fit for our products and services because of the huge amount of diesel fuel that these vehicles burn and the long life that these vehicles have.

Mirenco products and services not only reduced diesel black smoke, but we have also seen reduced fuel cost and extended engine life. Mining equipment makes up the majority of Mirenco sales at this time. These huge types of equipment commonly burn anywhere from 25,000 gallons up to 400,000 gallons of diesel fuel a year and fuel priced in 2008 captured fleet management attention for Mirenco products and services. Mirenco developed a technology to measure diesel engine combustion called the Mirenco Diesel Evaluation Procedure (MDEP). This is a new real-time combustion evaluation and is conducted by trained diesel mechanic’s no less than two times per year for each engine.

All EPA regulated emissions are measured and sent from the vehicle to the Mirenco database. An engine combustion health report is made by the Mirenco automated computer database system located at our headquarters location in Radcliffe, Iowa. The Mirenco engine combustion report, with our recommendations, are used to determine if there are mechanical engine problems needing service or if a fuel injection adjustment is needed to better match the engine's real-time ability to burn fuel. Our objective is to maintain the engine combustion level, like new, over the entire engine life. MDEP reporting service is one of our primary revenue incomes for Mirenco.  We have been fortunate to have found business partners that understand the broad value Mirenco technology offers. This fact is apparent in our agreement, SEC 8-K filing on January 16th, with Whayne Supply that discloses Whayne Supply as an exclusive distributor of Mirenco technology, products, and services throughout the United States and Canada.

Dwayne Fosseen, CEO

Mirenco Inc.

Mirenco’s New MDEP Equipment Is Ready For Service

New MDEP Equipment Makes It's First Dollar


New MDEP Program Launched by Whayne Supply



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